Eternal E 808

CRank: 5Score: 21560

this isnt fanboys just seem to post every story of a failed console wich is not by the rule of this site i find it funny that these articles keep getting approved juyst gose to show how ignorant sony fanboys can be i mean they know they cant put up something that has a bad ending to this fail rate because its always the same story...they always get a brand new one for no cost at all so i dont know whats the fuss about and quit these idiot aticles because there just not working.

6275d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

you are one of the dumbest i tell yah....first off how is this the end of the 360 because of its fail rate if it has a 3yr warranty? also how will it fail this year if most of its heavy hitter games are comming this year and how will they fail if they do drop the price with a 3yr warranty on every console hmm im sorry but its just about to begin.

6275d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

its funny because he has no life and no good games to play on his beloved ps3 haha.

6275d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

funny there already celebrating when the war isnt even close to being over come on ppl lets wait till E3 because alot of things can change in a short amount of me & mark my words.

6286d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

damn i forgot how good pgr3 looks after playing forza2 for so long.

6290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ummm each one of thoughs were said to be all pre-rendered in the first place by microsoft or the devs so i dont think sony can say the same.

6290d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

name me one game on the 360 that was ever not real time,not once so i dont know why ppl keep saying that....this isnt sony wich likes to show alot of pre-rendered Bull$hit.

6291d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

DJ if what you said was true than why ist the ps3 at the top of its game ohhh thats because they dont have any great games as of yett and sonys plans at first wasnt about games so.

6291d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

the only reason i liked the halo series in the first place was because of its single player and i dont know why they changed directions and started to mainly support the multi-player wich is what i realy hate about the halo series dont tell me $hit else.

6293d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

nice try rookie but your words mean nothing to me also if your trying to make me out to be some 360 hater your an idiot...also halo 2&3beta muti-player was lame to me it just takes no skill to run and gun ppl i just feel that there multi-player will not save this game my opinion.

6293d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

if this is how the game will look when its done im officialy not impressed....oh and another thing i hated the beta it was totaly mediocre to me it was halo 2 over again..yett worse because they adding things in like the banchie and making it out like there puting in something new im sorry bugie but multi-player wont save this game.

6293d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

if this is how the game will look when its done im officialy not impressed....oh and another thing i hated the beta it was totaly mediocre to me it was halo 2 over again..yett worse because they adding things in like the banchie and making it out like there puting in something new im sorry bugie but multi-player wont save this game.

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6297d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

sales is a main part of games im not realy a fan of sales im a fan of the game its self but to say that your a fanboy because of sales your totaly wrong, why? first off with out good sales there wouldnt be any exclusives, with out sales there woulndt be any sequels and with out sales there wouldnt be funds to support bigger and better games the next time around so do you get the picture now salse are important for games so quit saying that sales are not important and do some research before y...

6297d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

because first off this is old news and just like what Captain Tuttle said "People are selling their PS3's because they're tired of waiting for games and they're holding onto their Wii's and 360's" its only the truth because why would sales go up for the ps3 on ebay proby the only reason would be if the price was cheap other than that ebay is usualy a p2p market site.

6297d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

speaking of rejects heres one now,i got my best man on it lol.

6297d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

that halo,hlo2 and halo3 didnt and wont have good reviews hah here we go again.and to all the ppl that keep talkin about killzone 2 what real gameplay have they shown as of lately because the last time i check theres still that pre-rendered video up and every time i watch it i cant forget what that sony rep said about the video lol.

6297d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

there so gay i cant stand playing them for half an hour but oblivion is the $hit thats a real rpg and setting the bar they did do.

6297d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

there all rejects from other sites with no reputation and came here to start there idiot fanboyism all over again with a site thats more interactive with its news and its comments.and honestly i think there mostly sony fanboys because as of lately thats all ive been seeing multi acounts from unknown ps3 drones ive got enough credit to know this because ive been on this site for awhile with my same account i dont need to switch up $hit because im realer than that.

6297d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

im with you on this one i dont see any ps3 game even comming close to out selling halo 3 and i think a wager on reviews would be an easy take.

6297d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment